Tarentel – nuovo disco live con anche Genova!
Live Edits: Italy | Switzerland – Tarentel
su Digitalis
il disco contiene anche un brano registrato al Milk di Genova, ad una serata DisorderDrama!!!
[MP3] Tarentel – Genova, Italy
si sente chiaramente parlare con spiccato accento genovese nelle pause dove i suoni si fanno più soffusi… pubblico inequivocabilmente rapito dalle immagini in pellicola e dai suoni spaccatimpani.
“Over the course of numerous dates in Italy, Tarentel (a trio on this tour of Jefre Cantu-Ledesma, Danny Grody, & Jim Redd) improvised every set they played with often stunning results. This is not your grandfather’s Tarentel. Live Edits: Italy/Switzerland is full of pounding tribal drums and walls of mixer feedback, floating guitar trips and walls of noise. This is a whole new world scattered across burned-out pages; a place to hide and get lost in for ages. These pieces are a tug-of-war between beauty and tension. Tarentel rarely sound better than this. This is the second in a series of ongoing ‘live’ releases from Tarentel, though they are, as the band says, ‘live’ in the same spirit that Werner Herzog makes ‘documentaries.’ Limited to 500 copies.” da insound.com