
Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama


Dresda Krolevsky EP

We decided that our “Krolevsky EP” [containing the original songs of the movie] will be released on 20th December and it will be “self produced” and sold together with Pequod in 2010 gigs. It’s just more or less 20 minutes of music, with some nice ideas, some melancoly chords, and some idiot choruses [amazing!].

We are planning a release-christmas-party for friends in our studio.. with tons of alcholics, strippers, and live music -cast to be announced-. This is not confirmed yet, but don’t get any dates for the 19/20 December.

Certo che dirlo in italiano faceva poco alternativo… Thumbs Up per i Dresda!

dDRAMA – Next

01 Mar 2025
04 Apr 2025

Archivio CMPSTR

Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
