Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama


port-royal su astrangelyisolatedplace

Needless to say, port-royal quickly delivered the pounding electronica they are becoming well acclaimed for. With Tim from Winterlight joining them on stage, they induced a well initiated crowd into a rocking frenzy and dare I say it, I think a few people may have been dancing when ‘Balding Generation’ kicked in… (or was that just me?)

dDRAMA – Next

04 Apr 2025

Archivio CMPSTR

Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
