Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama


TATASH (Paolo Sala)

TATASH is a word I made up when I was two years old. It was meant to name something very specific, but I’m not telling you what.
Now TATASH is my musical lab where I can occasionally and temporarily upload unfinished music, demos, sketches, work in progress and outtakes.
If you are interested in having an early preview of what one day might be a finished Senpai or Paolo Sala work, or in discovering stuff that had never been released and will never be, then stay tuned!

dDRAMA – Next

04 Apr 2025

Archivio CMPSTR

Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
