Sampler of some of the tracks we are recording for our debut ep, it will be out soon, we started a crowdfounding project on ULULE, check it!!

Sampler of some of the tracks we are recording for our debut ep, it will be out soon, we started a crowdfounding project on ULULE, check it!!
Radio Gazzarra – STEPS twiskband: In Genoa, you can find a stage for theatre and live music, a restaurant serving km-zero/wholefood products (even flour for their home-made bread is ground on-site), a cinema and an independent radio station*… in the very same house: at Teatro Altrove. It’s a veritable connector for[…] booking & inquiries: intentionalstance[at]gmail[dot]com
Franco Zaio: Anais – Maps (Yeah Yeah Yeahs cover) Li preferiamo alle prese con le proprie canzoni che con le cover. Ma via, concediamogliela questa chance! Gli Anais di Franco Zaio alle prese con una cover di Maps degli Yeah Yeah Yeahs.
pare che Paolo Sala abbia un disco nuovo in cantiere entro la fine dell’anno. e pare che sia pop, se per caso aveste dei dubbi in merito.
hi this is a live recording with drummer Santo Florelli to check the studio possibilities. Not bad, future calomito’s taste. vi mancano i calomito? rieccoli.
Do Nascimiento – Giorgio (2014) | IL TEATRINO DEGLI ERRORI
paolo//immaginario: POST DEL MARTEDÌ 6: SPECIALE MURALES MAGLIETTA belle cose.
AN/AY Online Store – Sun Glitters – Vanished Moments anche i japanese gum su questa compilation limitatissima.
touched two – Touched – Music for Macmillan Cancer Support e ci sono pure i port-royal con un inedito.