Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama

Body Space Music

Body Space Music
Improvised music duo for bodies and space.


With Catherine Jauniaux (voice), François Wong (saxophones), Tommaso Rolando, Mario De Simoni, the audience, the place.

The performance invites each person to find a place in the room and to choose a listening posture. The musicians follow the same process and improvise from different points.
That way, bodies create a random geometrical shape which will change several times during the performance. The playing and listening situations become hazardous and shake up the expected codes.

The show is thought as a two-questions-game: how the space may influence the way of making music? And how may it change the way of listening to it?
Sharing some answers could be nice at the end of the performance.

Organizzato da Improland in collaborazione con Ass.Cult.Disorderdrama e #Peschiera8

Catherine Jauniaux
(Mikroton Recordings – Bruxelles BEL)
improvised vocal sampler

Catherine Jauniaux is a Belgian avant-garde singer. She has been described as a “one-woman-orchestra”, a “human sampler”, and “one of the best kept secrets in the world of improvised music”. Her solo album, Fluvial (1983) is regarded as one of her most accomplished works. She was married to the late American experimental cellist and composer Tom Cora.

Catherine Jauniaux began her career as an actress in Belgium at the age of 15. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, she sang with several experimental rock groups, including Aksak Maboul and The Work. In 1983 she teamed up with The Work’s Tim Hodgkinson (ex-Henry Cow) in London to record her first solo album, Fluvial. Jauniaux and Hodgkinson wrote most of the tracks for the album, which are “imagined folk songs” that include elements of “contemporary art song, African singing, Native American legends, and alien nursery rhymes”. The album centres on Jauniaux’s voice with additional instrumentation by Hodgkinson, Bill Gilonis (The Work), Lindsay Cooper (ex-Henry Cow) and Georgie Born (ex-Henry Cow). AllMusic rated the album as “highly recommended, especially to fans of unusual female vocal art.” In the early 1990s, Jauniaux moved to New York City, where she became part of the Downtown music scene, performing with a number of musicians, including Fred Frith, Tom Cora, Marc Ribot, Zeena Parkins, Butch Morris and Ikue Mori. Jauniaux founded the duo Vibraslaps with Ikue Mori and later married Tom Cora. In 1995 Jauniaux and Cora moved to Southern France where she continued performing with various European musicians, including Louis Sclavis, Heiner Goebbels, Otomo Yoshihide and Christian Marclay. Cora died in 1998. Jauniaux works regularly with artists in the field of dance and film, and sang in Heiner Goebbels’s opera, Roemische Hunde in Frankfurt in 1991. She is inspired by traditional music, both real and imagined, and her performances mix seriousness and humour. She explores sound, emotion, melody and abstraction, and her vocal improvisations range from “traditional French chansons to breathy folk to Dadaistic glossolalia”.

François Wong
(Exile On Mainstream – Paris FRA)
electric sax impro

Chercheur et compositeur, il expérimente l’électrification du saxophone depuis 15 ans en l’augmentant – selon les situations – de machines physiques, logiciels, diffusion multipoints ou par ampli guitare/basse. Il utilise ce dispositif et se produit régulièrement sur scène avec e-SaxBow (+ Florent Colautti, e-String), le duo !BONG! (+ Olivier Bost, ARFI), des projets transdisciplinaires avec la vidéaste A-li-ce (Nuits), la pièce de théâtre La Lune est Bossue (de Julie Martigny, mise en scène Yves Pépin), Liber (danse verticale, chorégraphie Magdalena Bahamondes), Exquis (danse, chorégraphie Arthur Pérole, KLAP Maison pour la danse). Il œuvre également dans le champ des musiques électro-acoustiques. Étudiant dans la classe de composition de Lucie Prodhomme puis de Maxime Barthélémy, il écrit des pièces acousmatiques (projection Futura 2016), mixtes et temps réel. Il effectue des résidences d’écriture et d’enregistrement à la Muse en Circuit (CNCM – Alfortville), au GRIM (Marseille) et au GMEM (CNCM – Marseille). Improvisateur, il collabore avec de nombreux musiciens au cours de rencontres éphémères ou régulières. Actuellement le trio Heard Of Bears (+ Vincent Lajü, Ed Williams) invite mensuellement des musiciens à partager l’espace de jeu . En 2016, il co-fonde le Grand8 , construction long terme d’un ensemble de musique improvisée sans direction, réunissant 20 musiciens de Marseille et alentours.

Archivio CMPSTR

Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
