Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama


(TwinToe  – Berlino GER)
punkrock freakout-pop

Nunofyrbeeswax è un progetto punkrock/freakout-pop composto da Angela_Etc., Dave_E.D. e Juan. Nel nuovo secondo disco, Stratotoaster, il gruppo presenta 10 nuove canzoni che catturano l’essenza delle loro sonorità creando energia, melodia e un ritmo minimale e naif.
Tornano a Genova dopo cinque anni, dove girarono il video del loro vecchio singolo con Totem Collective Studio.

👉 Apertura ore 20:30
Inizio live ore 21:00

Circolo ARCI Cane
Corso Perrone 22 16158 Genova

(TwinToe  – Berlino GER)
punkrock freakout-pop

Nunofyrbeeswax, il progetto punkrock/freakout-pop vibrante ed energico figlio dell’amore tra Angela_Ecc. (Hypnodrome Ensemble, Sicker Man, VROUW, Otolitos, Strugglers, The Fingers) e Dave_E.D. (Srugglers, The Fingers, The Post Spiderhole Ensemble) – spesso accompagnati dal vivo dalla loro arma segreta Juan al trombone, tastiere e balletti; hanno pubblicato il loro nuovo album Stratotoaster lo scorso 4 dicembre su TwinToe, Et Mon Cut C’est du Tofu, Societad Fonografica Subterranea, Youth Riot e Pied du Biche Records.

“…this album was also an excuse for us to involve friends and comrades in order to come up with something something that us alone as a duo wouldn’t be able to achieve. We’re rather a live band and we dig that, though once we got to the studio we tried to achieve something different, which doesn’t necessarily mean “more”. In the studio we wanted to recreate something that makes sense as a private listening
experience. Live it’s a different thing, so many other factors come into play, which (hopefully!) add to our shows; one and foremost is the interaction with the audience… So, our biggest challenge for this album was to manage to translate that live experience on record without making another live album, and I think the studio gave us the freedom to achieve that. Still, we do embrace limitations and and I think the studio gave us the freedom to achieve that. Still, we do embrace limitations and “economy” as a working method, that’s probably what the band stands for, but the studio has proven to be the perfect playground for trying out all sort of things.”
“On Stratotoaster we focused on these aspects and probably collaborations were the key. We tried to get to-the-point studio performances, tight, fast, bang! without fussing around too much with overdubs and more guitars. Instead, we involved friends to bring their own experiences into our work… So that we got more clapping, a piano, synth sounds, a trombone, a saxophone, noise boxes, fingers’ snaps,
more vocals and so on. What we -I and Angela, played was what we do live, think of that as the naked upper torso; Lisa, Juan, Paul, Gee, Susanna and all the people involved dressed it to kill and added a bit blush on the cheekbones.” Dave_E.D.


Et Mon Cut C’est du Tofu
S.F.S – Societad Fonografica Subterranea
Pied du Biche Records
Youth Riot Records

Archivio CMPSTR

Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
