Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama

Zatopeks + Goonies

Tante anime il giovedì di DisorderDrama. Tante. Innamorandoci spesso di cantautori, elettronica sperimentale e rock alternativo finiamo per bistrattare un genere che a Genova ci ha divertito per tanti anni e, mai, per fortuna, scomparso: gli Zatopeks sono alfieri proprio di quel punk rock nella accezione più pop punk fatta di tre accordi, ritornelli e ritmo. In apertura i Goonies!

(Stardumb – Birmingham UK)

info: Zatopeks formed in Birmingham, UK in 2001 and over the last 16 years have gained a reputation for their well-crafted songs and a crazy live show to match. Their own distinctive blend of 70s punk, rock n’ roll, pop-punk, folk… (the list could go on) gives them a truly original sound. The songs are also defined by the powerful, poetic and insightful lyrics of singer Will DeNiro, which cover subjects such ranging from philosophy, love, death, politics and public transport (sometimes all in the same song). The band’s first album, ‘Ain’t Nobody Left bus Us’ (Stardumb, 2005), has become a genre classic of the European pop-punk scene and was promoted with sleepless tours through the clubs, squats and dive bars of the continent, collecting hangovers, bruises and many new friends along the way. ‘Damn Fool Music’ (Household Name/Whoa Oh, 2007) gained great reviews and showed Zatopeks pushing their more hidden influences – including jazz and folk music – to the fore, as well as finally touring the USA in their own successful, small-scale ‘British invasion’. 2014 saw the release of ‘About Bloody Time’ (Monster Zero/It’s Alive/East Beat), the Zatopeks’ most powerful and thoughtful record to date, which combined catchy punk rock with diverse literary influences, from Persian poetry to Russian futurism, and was the band’s first album to be released in the former Soviet Union (via East Beat). Now based in Berlin, London and Bristol, the band is working on a new studio album and will be releasing a rarities record in 2017. But first of all for the New Year, it’s time to hit the road again!

Archivio CMPSTR

Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
