Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama

AdD505 Savak + Poison Arrows

Ci piacciono le leggende. Ma ci piacciono ancora di più quelle vive e vegete che continuano a tirare giù i muri rinnovandosi di disco in disco, di palco in palco. I Savak sono un super gruppo con membri di Obits, The Make-Up, Holy Fuck, The Cops, Nation of Ulysses, Edsel e Enon. E in apertura si portano dietro la carica noise dei Poison Arrows (ex di Don Caballero e Atombombpocketknife). Una serata rock senza compromessi tra il noise e il postpunk.

(Ernest Jenning – New York USA)
legendary post punk r’n’r

info: Fare musica non è facile oggigiorno. Tutti la stanno facendo. I ragazzini inondano tutte le piattaforme e martellano con strategie per spingere le uscite digitali di gruppi nuovi. Le comunicazioni sono sempre più pettinate dal marketing: le parole scelte sono ottimizzate per i motori di ricerca. Non è certo questa la grande utopia del Do It Yourself che ci avevano promesso. É ancora possibile sentirsi nel giusto in un mondo dove i parametetri dell’estetica sono stati spremuti in chiavette USB? Per fortuna i Savak sono tornati con un nuovo LP che con calma dice “si, si è ancora possibile”. Intitolato Cut-Ups, questo nuovo disco consiste di dieci gemme immacolate di left-field rock’n’roll, del tipo che vi aspettereste da una band che comprende membri di Obits, The Make-Up, Holy Fuck, The Cops, Nation of Ulysses, Edsel e Enon. I Savak sono Sohrab Habibion, Michael Jaworski, James Canty, e Matt Schulz. Mixano punk, post-punk, ’60s psych, krautrock e altre influenze che sembrano aver trovato un minimo comun denominatore nel ricco sound maturato sui palchi dal loro debutto ad oggi.

press: “Savak make a potent and pointed agitpop racket on their new album, Best Of Luck In Future Endeavors, which manages to balance the dark and moody with the catchy as fuck.” – Noisey
“SAVAK’s debut LP, features plenty of dread-fueled, post-punk angst tempered with catchy hooks – and it’s outstanding.” – Magnet
“The work on Best of Luck ranges from jangly, pop-infused punk in a Rezillos strain to more aggressive pieces, but everything here reverberates with an abundance of kinetic energy. Savak is the band that plays the party after the after party as they can maintain energy for any audience at any time of night. This is just awesome.” – Jersey Beat
“[A]n intense and catchy collection of songs with a number of subtle tricks up its sleeve.” – Vol. 1 Brooklyn
“Superior twin-guitar slash action from members of Obits, Make-Up, Holy Fuck et al. Adding Saints-worthy brass on standout Early Western Traders boosts the prevailing Wipers-do-Joe Jackson aura. Four stars!” – Mojo
“Hooky and immediate. These songs have real staying power.” – Brooklyn Vegan
“[T]he perfect distillation of their previous bands with skronking saxophones, sharp post-punk rhythms and reverb-rich 60’s psych-pop melodies all held together with a hardcore punk heart.” – Atlas & The Anchor
“A hook-ladened and punchy record that should appeal to more than (but inclusive to) just fans of the group’s other projects.” – Free Williamsburg
“There are parts where it sounds like Lee Ranaldo is fronting some poppier version of the Wipers. I assure you it’s high praise.” – David Park, WMXM
“By blending different waves of rock and roll, SAVAK has created an album that everyone can genuinely enjoy.” – Indie Band Guru
“Wonderful.” – The Observer


Poison Arrows
(File13 – Chicago USA)
postrock noise

info: I Poison Arrows sono un trio di Chicago formato dal bassista Patrick Morris (ex Don Caballero), il batterista Adam Reach, e Justin Sinkovich (ex Atombombpocketknife, Thumbnail). Dopo due Lp e due EP su File 13 e relativi tour tra il 2007 eil 2011 si sono fermati per ripartire nel 2015 con nuove canzoni e tante date.

press: Alarm Magazine (feature) – “Fired with the snap of exceptional musicianship and raw emotion.”
Blender Magazine (feature) – “One of ‘Ten Hot Artists’, chosen by the editors of Blender Magazine.”
Chicago Reader (feature) – “You have to ask yourself why they would want to move toward the light when they do darkness so well.”
Prefix (album review) – “First Class, and Forever combines all of what made Trans-Europe Express and Songs About Fucking classics without sacrificing anything, be it ethics, art, or lifestyle. It’s a virtually flawless album that accomplishes all its goals… if you’re a music nerd who likes smart rock ‘n’ roll that doesn’t cater to trends, this album is essential.”
Time Out Chicago (album review) “The Arrows encompass everything that was great about their previous acts: an intricate, propulsive rhythm section; challenging yet immediate melodies adventurously wrangled out of the muscular flexing; and, when it comes to disheveling song structure, a fuck-it attitude.


Intero 10€
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