Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama

Disorder Dramathon 2004

Disorder Dramathon
il più rumoroso evento dell’anno

(5 Rue Christine –  Sacramento USA)
chitarra e batteria power duo

The Champagne Kiss
(Troubleman Unlimited – San Diego USA)
ex di Camera Obscura e Spanakorzo

Experimental Dental School
(The Company With The Golden Arm Records – Oakland USA)
experimental rock

(K-Fuel – Rennes FRA)
noise rock

(Narshardaa – Amburgo GER)
new wave noise robotdisco

(5 Rue Christine –  Sacramento USA)
chitarra e batteria power duo

Hella are a duo from the Sacramento area, consisting of guitarist Spencer Seim and drummer Zach Hill. The two of them first got together in the spring of 2001. In Hella’s craft of contrast, the technical and musical weigh equally, complementing each other with a carelessness that can only come out of care. And it’s this quality that translates their spasms without losing hold of their horses as they charge through the tracks.

The Champagne Kiss
(Troubleman Unlimited – San Diego USA)
ex di Camera Obscura e Spanakorzo

Leaving Camera Obscura and San Diego behind, Russell White and Michelle Maskovich joined bassist Jesse Johnson (Johnny Angel) in Minneapolis to form Champagne Kiss. Unlike the sweet sounding name, Champagne Kiss prefers a sound more jarring and dissonant. And unlike the more traditional — relatively speaking — Camera Obscura, Champagne Kiss blends lots of sampling, keyboards, and electronica with guitar, bass, and drums. They’ve even been seen playing with a drum set that includes a trash can and lid. The band’s self-titled debut appeared on Troubleman Unlimited in 2000.

Experimental Dental School
(The Company With The Golden Arm Records – Oakland USA)
experimental rock

The guitar bends to the breaking point. Drums crack pump and coo. Synthesizer samples crisp & crackle. A voice howls. A sea of bees over a lake of pedals. Nerdy dirty Jazz punk? vintage garage pop? psychedelic world music?,, synth fractured dance beats? Pretty? yes. Ugly? yes.
Shoko Horikawa & Jesse Hall started playing music together in 1998 as band called Meyow. They became Experimental Dental School in 2002 playing in a Trio formation; They lived and played in the San Francisco bay area for many years and has had several other drummers join in. In 2008 XDS moved to Portland Oregon & became a duo. XDS has played all over the world – touring Japan, Europe (5 times) and the US many times. They have shared the stage with a wide variety of bands (from pure noise to pure pop bands) highlights include: Deerhoof (Japan and US tours), Liars, Joe Laly (Fugazi), The Shins, Deerhunter, Trans am, The Make up, Spoon, Matmos, Explode Into Colors, Earth, Black Dice, Coachwhips, Hella, and many other great friends.


(K-Fuel – Rennes FRA)
noise rock

French noise rock band formed in 1996 in Rennes, Brittany. Formerly a two-piece formation playing acoustic strings.
Møller-Plesset est une formation noise rock, originaire de Rennes, musicalement proche de groupes nord américains comme Jesus Lizard, Don Caballero et US Maple. Après un premier album remarqué et de nombreux concerts en France et en Europe, leur second projet discographique, intitulé ‘The Perturbation Theory’ est le fruit d’une nouvelle collaboration avec le dessinateur em. Ce sont les structures rennaises, Perte et Fracas et Overcome qui assurent respectivement la production et la distribution de ce CD-comix.


(Narshardaa – Amburgo GER)
new wave noise robotdisco

Canzoni pop robuste per la discoteca robotica. breakbeat che colpisce sulla pista da ballo in un diluvio di no-wave. una profluvio di idee buone e confuse date in pasto ad un pubblico confuso. Tastiere e sezione ritmica che oggi suonano negli Alte Sau.


dDRAMA – Next

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Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
