Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama

Punk the Capital – a history of Washington DC punk & hardcore, 1976 to 1983

Quando il punk rock scoppiò a Washington DC, fu una potente convergenza di musica potente, amicizie e menti lucide. Questo film è il primo ad esplorare le incredibili sfide che questa sottocultura ha affrontato quando ha messo radici nella capitale degli Stati Uniti alla fine degli anni ’70. Punk the Capital situa il DC punk all’interno delle più ampie narrazioni del rock n’ roll, lavorando come una potente storia a più livelli sia per i fan che per i non fan del punk rock. Con musicisti come Bad Brains, Henry Rollins e Ian MacKaye, questo film si immerge in profondità nelle idee e nei suoni di questa scena musicale trasformativa che continua a influenzare culturalmente e politicamente tutto il mondo.

Domenica 22 maggio 2022

Proiezione alla presenza del regista James June Schneider e di Jeff Nelson (Teen Idles, Minor Threat, Egg Hunt…).

Cineclub Nickelodeon
via della Consolazione 5r

Biglietti: 4€ con tessera ACEC/ 5€ under 26/ 6€ ridotto/ 7€ intero

Punk the Capital – a history of Washington DC punk & hardcore, 1976 to 1983



… the real joy of the film is the equal billing it gives to the many other bands of the time and their cultural impact. Even if you’re not from D.C., this is a thrilling account of an important musical movement, and how it took off in the nation’s capital surrounded by government.” – VILLAGE VOICE

Paul Bishow and James June Schneider’s fascinating documentary Punk The Capital successfully captures the zeitgeist that changed the world. It gives us a strong overview of the biggest movers and shakers within this community and encourages us to seek out more where we can.” – Film Threat

…the film takes viewers through the story of punk’s birth in the District (Known for short-and-unsweetened paeans to defiance, the punk genre came to flourish in this capital city, becoming one of Washington’s greatest cultural exports.) Dating from the 1970s, the film’s footage captures the raucous spirit of the communion of limbs (and spittle) that once rattled around cramped houses and makeshift stages. That spirit is one of the hallmarks of Washington’s punk landscape that carries through to today: a D.I.Y. spirit of music-making that exists not because it’s fun or easy, but because doing it under anyone else’s rules would betray your principles.” – The Washington Post

Punk the Capital is thoroughly entertaining and compelling and one of the most refreshing takes on D.C. hardcore ever. That there are still so many new stories to tell and unheralded figures to discover, all these decades later, is a testament to how significant and multi-layered this community’s story and cultural contribution really is.” – Exclaim!

Punk the Capital – Building a Sound Movement, a terrific new documentary which receives its UK premiere at Leeds International Film Festival next week. Charting the emergence between 1976 and 1983 of what became known as D.C. Hardcore, the film is augmented by some incredible Super-8 footage, shot first-hand by local scenester Paul Bishow, and hilariously candid interviews from the key protagonists. […] It is deeply intelligent and satisfying, a moving and affectionate corrective to punk’s traditionally bleak self-accounting. It is rich in cumulative detail…” – Culture Vulture

Punk the Capital takes a route straight to the well-preserved heart of Washington D.C.’s punk community from 1976 to 1983… It’s a must-see for anyone ever moved by the genre’s magnetic whiplash, regardless of age, region, or era.” – Vanyaland

There is an amazing glimpse into the Madam’s Organ scene, the blooming of record labels, the history of the 930 club, and the ignition of the hardcore scene, and finally the preservation. The documentary disbands the external influence of the city for pure musical history, the balance that attracted me the most. However, the fascination to watch this story unfold is unprecedented. The creators had over seven hours to work with, and they did a smashing job at condensing content into a poetic epic. A must watch!” – Selective Memory

Une histoire que la plupart des amateurs de musique alternative pensent sans doute connaître sur le bout des doigts et que les réalisateurs James June Schneider, natif de Washington DC déjà auteur d’un documentaire sur Jean Epstein, et Paul Bishow, qui filme les soubresauts de la scène à la caméra Super-8 depuis les premiers jours, se font un malin plaisir de consteller de faits méconnus, d’anecdotes rares et de documents jamais vus. Punk the Capital est ainsi à voir absolument parce qu’il ne débute pas son histoire en 1979, date officielle de la fondation du punk made in DC par les incroyables Bad Brains, mais trois ans plus tôt…” – Libération

Con amplias dosis de sentido del humor y una factura notable, el filme captura la energía y las contradicciones de aquella escena surgida sin el apoyo de la industria o los medios generalistas. Por no haber, casi no había ni salas para tocar en una ciudad por entonces muy conservadora, definida en el documental como “un agujero vacío de miseria”. Los conciertos en casas, centros sociales y antros de mala muerte sirvieron de plataforma para que el sonido despegara. “Washington era un lugar totalmente improbable para que surgiese una escena punk, pero una vez arraigó adoptó caminos que nadie podía imaginar”, dice MacKaye en el documental” – El Periódico

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