Ass. Cult. DisorderDrama


Antigone su Komakino

Now she’s back with another project, called Antigone, founded with Michele Canepa: barely dreampop, electronica, blended with trip hop, – I’d say with Bjork and Karin Dreijer Andersson of The Knife as poles, – that, just to give you coordinates, – since I think Tassano’s talent sounds pretty natural, away from being slavish. Anyway, maybe Antigone are not my cup of tea yet, – but her voice is really worth attention, I think the ‘right’ song/sound is still around the corner. And they’re still unsigned.

komakino zine sugli Antigone

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Archivio CMPSTR

Dall’ottobre 2008 al settembre 2017 abbiamo tenuto un blog su tumblr ripostando tutti link, recensioni, video e immagini su un po’ dei gruppi genovesi che combinavano sfracelli fuori dalle mura di casa. Stiamo mettendo a posto l’archivio. Buona ricerca
